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IPsy Subscription

Review on Ipsy Subscription Go to :- Hi Girls I want to share my Review on Ipsy Subscription with you. Ipsy is monthly subscription where each month , subscribers recieve a beautiful Glam Bag with delux samples and full sized beauty products. All for only $10 a month.  I have been using this subscription past 8 months and I love it. Reasons Why I love it. 1. Being a Full time working Mom, it's hard to keep up with new trends in beauty world but with Ipsy you could keep yourself updated. 2. Ipsy let you treat yourself with 5 five goodies each Month. I anxiously wait for my bag and products ecah month. 3. Ipsy provides me oppurtunity to try new products and help me decide which one is best for me. 4. If you are not cosematics Savy then this is must do for you, You just fill your profile and Ipsy will take care for you. You will get everything you need for your next Party. 5 Oh and don't forgot their Beautiful goodie Bag, I love the Designs and ...

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